Big Blue Taps Brought to Life on Film to Celebrate World Water Day

Big Blue Taps Brought to Life on Film to Celebrate World Water Day

Scottish Water’s iconic big blue water taps are starring in a new film as we celebrate the value of water on World Water Day.

We’ve lifted the lid to tell the story of the epic journey our Top Up Taps take to their new homes in communities across Scotland.

Our growing network has seen 39 taps already installed from Shetland to the Scottish Borders, as we encourage everyone to use a refillable bottle when out and about and be kind to the environment by reducing plastic waste.

Our taps have already dispensed more than 120,000 litres of water and saved the equivalent of 365,000 single use plastic bottles.

And we are continuing our installation programme with new taps planned for some exciting locations, such as the iconic Glenfinnan Viaduct, Prestwick Beach and Arbroath Beach Park, to name but a few.

But the process to install our taps is far from simple. Our brilliant new film showcases the massive team effort involved behind-the-scenes in bringing a Top up Tap to life on a street near you.

Our location selection and planning processes, as well as the installation and sampling operations are all brought to life on screen for the first time.

Scottish Water’s top up tap team chief Lorna Neilson said: “People across Scotland have taken our big blue taps to their hearts.

“Using them is a great way to do your bit for the environment, as well as staying hydrated on-the-go and saving money.

“They may seem to suddenly appear in locations across Scotland, but it’s amazing how much planning, preparation and sampling goes on to make it all happen.

“We’ve loved bringing their story to life and hope it helps people appreciate the value of water.”

The Top up Tap programme is part of Scottish Water’s Your Water Your Life campaign to encourage people to join the wave and use a refillable bottle, for your health, your pocket, and your planet.